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Pride 2018

So proud to represent our LGBTQ+ members, supporters and friends at Brighton Pride and take part in the community parade!

Brighton comes alive when the community parade takes over the streets for the day! It is beautiful to think that the families who come out to support their LGBTQ friends and line the street to see the wonderful costumes and music, ensure their children will grow up in a world where difference is celebrated, you can love who ever you want, be whoever you want and nothing is ‘normal’. 

Pride parade and the reasons why people parade are so personal, which is what makes it to beautiful, all those stories of overcoming hate and fear and shining bright as you are, are so beautiful and it is so moving to see everyone, whoever they are parading through the streets, being cheered on by their community. 

A special message from Leandro: 

I'm so proud of what we achieved this Pride! Beleza directors and the support roles gave so much of their time since the beginning of this year to guarantee we could first of all have a Beleza Family!

They are so important for the school and we wouldn't have been here without them and all members. It's amazing to see everyone working together giving their best towards one goal! We can all say that from each section... if from dance, bateria or costume production, everyone played such an important part.

This formula made a vision to become reality! So many amazing smiles, and that PRIDE we all had in our eyes as soon as the music started. What we've done in only six months and what we delivered on our very first parade reassures the faith I have in our social responsibility and the potential the school has to become one of the top samba Schools outside Brazil.

I look forward to the year ahead, a new show, our baptism in Rio by Beija-flor and the future carnivals but above all... I'm looking forward to the AMAZING memories we will have TOGETHER!

We also were lucky enough to have some amazing special guests for our first parade as Beleza School of Samba. 

We had the amazing and beautiful Camila Prins as our Estandarte! The most inspirational guest for Pride 2018! More here.

We had some fantastic special guest dancers to make the Parade even more special - thank you Patty Frey and Gladys Cavalcante!

Thank you to the amazing Alexandre Aragao for the amazing Comissao De Frente!

We had some great friends join us from London School of Samba, we are so grateful for your support!

 And of course the debut of our amazing new Rainha De Bataria

 Here are some more photos for you to enjoy - thank you so much everyone, you were amazing!

Lots of love

the directors

Come join us!

If you would like to join in with the bateria or come and learn how to dance Samba, please contact us at and we can get you started! Come visit us at our website and find out more about us: If you like this story - please share and spread the samba love! 

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